Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Good times

M walked into the house on Saturday not knowing that the boy was in my bedroom. I'd picked up the boy from his mom after having to track her down because she'd forgotten that I was picking him up! She, her boyfriend, and the boy had gone to breakfast, so I met them at Home Depot. The boy had syrup all over his shirt, and was wearing a raggedy pair of jeans, but I didn't care because at least I was getting him. When we got to the house it was filled with everyone, and the boy usually takes a while to warm up, so I left him in there, and started talking to everyone else. When M walked in I was so glad he was there! He was trying to figure out why my camera battery wasn't charging, so I went into the bedroom, and said to the boy, "There's someone special here to see you. " He said, "Who is it?" I said, "It's your dad; do you want to see your dad?" He was crawling around on the floor being a dog, and immediately he started crawling towards the bedroom door. I picked him up and carried him in to the living room, and when M saw him he said, "Oh, Baby," and took him from my arms, and held him and rocked him.. The boy lay his head on his dad's shoulder, and they stayed that way for two or three minutes. It was so precious. From then on the boy was glued to his dad's side, but before they went off together to play he said, "I have two dads now." M was great not to appear upset, and he asked me if she'd moved in with someone. I told him no, she was just dating a really nice guy, who has a four-year-old son, and loves his son, and is very kind. That seemed to make M happy. If M was out of the boy's sight for one minutes he was asking, "Where's my dad?"

It was still chaotic during the meal, etc. and H was kind of sad that he didn't get more time to visit with everyone because he was in the kitchen cooking, and cleaning. I know how he feels; for many of our family get-togethers that's where I'VE been, and it's frustrating. We've about decided there are just too many of us to have Thanksgiving at our house. I suggested that we rent the church, but H thinks it would be even more chaotic since the grand kids would have even more room to run. I still think it would be a good idea. We've got an entire year to think about it. The Bingo game was successful, but next time I'll get better presents. Most of the kids went home by about 3:30 except M and the boy. M vacuumed for us, and I fed the boy THREE Hotpockets (he didn't eat any Thanksgiving food), then I put the boy in my car to take him home at the same time M was leaving. It seemed better that way, and there were no tears. The boy asked why his dad had to go home, and he said that his dad could come to his house some day. I hope so.

After we'd cleaned up we were exhausted, but we had tickets for our first Broadway play at The Capitol Theater (The Addams Family), so we dragged ourselves there. It was cute; it made us laugh, and we were glad we'd gone.

I am SO glad our Thanksgiving is over; I look forward to relaxing while H is gone to Wyoming for his uncle's funeral. He'll leave Thursday, and come home Saturday. I haven't had to tend the boy yesterday or today, so I've gotten a lot done. I plan to hang just the half tree this year, and put out only a few decorations. I just don't want the hassle, and I hope H won't mind. I'll do it while he's in Wyoming.

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